Factors that indicate victory for Bjp in the West Bengal assembly elections 2021.

Bengal which used to be the heart of British Ruled India has slowly started to decline…

Russian Criticism of India joining Quad – Is it genuine or impelled?

The 24th version of Malabar practice was finished up in November 2020 (in Phase – I…

Impact of Stimulus on Asset Class leading to higher Public Debt & possible debt defaults.

The global liquidity surge due to expanded balance sheets of central banks around the world has…

Why do Hindu youth get drawn to Bajrang Dal? It is motto of Service, Safety and Culture to protect the civilisation.

It was brutally decapitated head of a cow with blood, gore and pieces of limb scattered…

Surge of Saffronization helps in revival of Nationalist Passion in West Bengal

West Bengal, the land of Swami Vivekananda who enlightened the world with the Indian ethos /culture/…

What good things are there in Hinduism that Islam and Christianity lack?

There are several good things in Hinduism which Christianity and Islam are lacking and which are…

How ‘Halal Economy’ is used as a tool to wage Jihad and destroy World Economies?

The world is changing rapidly, the Muslim population has been rising steadily, and currently, we have…

Containing this mutant is not going to be easy at all unless mass vaccinations of 2 Million doses per day happens : Dr Praveen Kumar

The Scientific advisory committee to the UK govt,SAGE has come out with the confirmation that the…

The Significance-of-Ear-piercing

In some parts of India, the nose ring is never removed once a woman is married,…

Casteism in Christianity : While more than 70% of the Catholic converts in Tamil Nadu are Dalits, only 4 of the 18 Bishops are Dalit Christians

Christian evangelists are always on the lookout for vulnerable people, mainly from among the majority Hindus,…

Why Biden presidency is an extension of Trump Foreign policy 2.0 ?

Outgoing US POTUS Donald Trump might have lost United States Presidential Elections but he has ensured…

Kuka movement: The story of Gaurakshak Namdhari Sikhs.

Kuka movement is particularly a movement led by Kuka community or the Namdhari Sikhs who started…