The Indian Community in the United Kingdom is welcoming the HCI ( High Commissioner of India)…
Category: Editor’s Picks
The Fakery on Audrey Truschke on Hindutva
Audrey Trushcke has organised an event on 6th December where she will deliver a so-called “lecture”…
New Book Exposes Hinduphobia and Need for Right-Wing Hindu Resurgence
A new book by TIME magazine featured Author and Political Commentator Saurav Dutt entitled ‘Modi &…
My Village -My Roots.
‘Narayanpur, TarabGanj, Gonda’. Rediscover Your Village Your Roots. It seems that a lot of us have become…
Doval Doctrine of Defensive Offense successfully deters Pakistan from launching terror attacks on Indian civilians
When Congress was in power terror attack was a normal. Pakistan and Islamists succeeded in instilling…
Shashi Tharoor needs to introspect and analyse performance of states before blaming BJP for mismanaging COVID-19
Congressi Shashi Tharoor could only find Pakistan to belittle India and our efforts in fighting Corona.…
Why liberals who didnt condemn Kamlesh Tiwari’s murder and Charlie Hedbo are forced to condemn killing of French teacher?
1 year ago Kamlesh Tiwari was killed for exactly same the reason that the French teacher…