7th October 2020, London: REACH ๐ฎ๐ณ launches it’s “Rendezvous with REACH ๐ฎ๐ณ” – Bharat ki Awaaz, Bharat ke liye, on it’s Youtube – REACH ๐ฎ๐ณ TV Channel. This programme will feature global celebrities / achievers discussing hard-hitting facts to help nationalist global Indians understand more about anti-India narrative and how to counter it, our culture, our values and history. The programme will feature unswerving Q&A on the topic selected for the month, topic for October 2020 is US 2020 Presidential Elections.
The inaugural programme featured David Vance (Renowned Political Commentator and Editor Alt Media News), discussing 2020 US Elections, and what are the possible outcomes in this presidential race to White House.